Wyatt 6 year portraits

Dear Wyatt,

Wow you’re 6 years old!!! Its crazy. I don’t even know where to start. Right now I am trying to write you this letter while in the other room you are playing the “Velociraptors Storybot” song and running around pretending to be a velociraptor. So pardon my focus.

You have grown up so much over the past year. You have become a big brother, and honestly I have never known a big brother as amazing as you are, and I had a pretty amazing one. From the moment Maggie was born, and honestly even before, I knew you two would be close, and I knew there was so much love between the two of you. I still can picture like it was yesterday you coming to visit us in the hospital, Aunt Michelle and Uncle Scott Myers brought you. You walked in with flowers and a cute toy you picked out for Maggie in the hospital store. You were so nervous at first to even touch her so you just stared at her. As the days passed in the hospital you slowly got the courage to hold her. It started where you sat next to me on the hospital bed while I was feeding her. Then you turned to me and said here let me have her. You just all the sudden decided you wanted to hold her, you were ready. You visited us everyday we were in the hospital some days you visited us multiple times throughout the day. And you always had to hold her, or watch her while she slept in the bassinet. The moment I remember the most though was when you peered over the wall of the bassinet and touched her hair. You could barely reach her hair but you stretched with all of your might, standing on your tippy-toes; then you stroked her hair and whispered something to her. I never asked what you said, it was your moment with her.

When we were ready to come home from the hospital you asked Daddy to pick you up early from school so you could be in the car just incase Maggie was nervous about the car ride home. She made her presence known the whole way home, and it was rough. At one point you cried with her, you were so sad that she was upset. And lets be honest she was very loud. She has gotten better at car rides, but you have your noise canceling headphones and you wear those when it gets bad.

You have become her favorite person in the whole world. When she sees you she just lights up. You can get her to laugh when no one else can. And sometimes all you have to do is look at her. You make overprotective look good. Often telling me what she can and can’t have to eat, keeping me on my toes and in place. I joked once that I was going to give her a kit-kat and you are still lecturing me about it and that was months ago. Never mind the time I fed her ice-cream and I wasn’t going to tell your dad, and of course you told on me. (I mean I might have told him, but you didn’t even give me the chance. You dimed me out the second he got home from work. You let her play with your toys, and I will admit that was a concern for your dad and I, we weren’t sure how that was going to go. But they have to be Wyatt safety approved toys. Nothing she could choke on.

The unthinkable happened about 3 months ago when we realized that Maggie really liked kitties. You told her she could have Peekaboo. I told you that was really nice but maybe if you were ok with it she could just borrow him. You agreed. The cats also really appreciate that you bring them to Maggie whenever you think she may want to pet them, and especially when she is sad. You have been trying to teach her how to pet them, but she hasn’t been a good student.

I just can’t even put into words how much you have grown up over the past year. You are independent, you always have been but you are more so now. You go places in the house with out me, even when you are scared. You’re more patient. You often say to me “I’ll sit with Maggie and play with her if you don’t mind getting it for me.” When Maggie is sad you help me with her and play with her when I am trying to fix dinner or do something quick. You do things like go to the doctor to get a shot or the dentist to get a sealant even when your scared, and you just find a way to be tough and do it anyway.

This year we bought a house, and you are even more into decorating for the holidays then ever before. In October you wanted to decorate for Halloween but we didn’t really have many decorations. And the ones we did have were still packed away in unknown boxes. But we could find the flamingos. So now were the “cool flamingo holiday house”. And every holiday we decorate flamingos according to the holiday. Flamingos with witch hats, ghosts, and creepy eyes for Halloween. And Santa flamingos, Ms. Claus, reindeer, and elfs for Christmas. I have so much fun coming up with ideas and costumes for them with you.

As for learning, well you’re smart as you always have been. And we often have to say to people when they ask that we don’t know where you learned that from, or where you get your intelligence from. You started kindergarten this year. Your teacher is Ms. Rossiter. You love being in her class. She knows a lot about the stuff you are interested in. You can write sentences on your own now. Last week for kid writing you wrote 3 sentences all on your own. You are reading like crazy, tons of books. The other day you even read me the directions when we were making cookies.

You have mastered learning all about dinosaurs, and the countries of the world, their flags, and even some of their capitals. You know where every country goes on a world map, I don’t at all. For your birthday this year your Aunt Amanda and Uncle Dan got you a flags of the world game. That night after Maggie went to sleep we played the game. Daddy and I got 3 or 4 right, we were proud of ourselves even if they were country flags that everyone knows. You finished the game with 16 cards. Meaning you got pretty much all of your countries right, and a lot of their capitals. Your birthday party this year was dinosaur themed. You know all of them too. That is what we love about you. You have a wild imagination, its so fun to watch you think of new things, play and act out your ideas. And you have a love for learning like no one I have ever known. Over the years you have mastered: The universe, volcanos, the states and capitals, dinosaurs, vehicles, the human body, the countries and flags of the world (and some of the regions or states in each country), weather, and probably a lot of other things I can’t remember. To sum it all up you constantly blow my mind. You are so smart, so sweet, so cool, and so much fun to be around.

The only thing we were worried about was that you wouldn’t get the social stuff down. But at your last parent teacher conference the teacher said you were a leader in the class. That you were doing wonderfully socially. You have tons of friends. And she just loves watching you and the other kids pretend to be dinosaurs as you run around the playground at school.

What else can I say. But that you are perfect. I couldn’t have imagined I would have such an amazing son. Even as I am writing this you are reading it over my shoulder. And telling me I am so sweet. I can’t tell you enough how much I love you. I love you. I am going to wrap this up though because you want to play hide and seek with Grandma Purdom. I am so thankful to God every day for the blessing of having you in my life.




About Jennifer Stumbaugh

I am a freelance/ portrait photographer currently working in the Central Pennsylvania area.
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